A Mention on “The Systematic Approach”

I recently became a member of the newly created Brass Musician forums and, following a post I made there about practising, I was delighted to be quoted by one of the other forum members, David Roberts, on his blog; The Systematic Approach. You may be interested in the original Brass Musician forum post, or David’s article.

David’s site is a most interesting one. He is a come-back player, who has returned to studying Trumpet after a break of 15 years or so. He is documenting his progress online, as he works his way through Claude Gordon’s excellent Systematic Approach to trumpet playing. His site is full of interesting articles about the challenges he is facing, along with videos of him performing the exercises he has been working on.

Many thanks to David for considering my comments worthy of quoting. I wish him the very best in his studies of this infernal machine!!!