Does it matter what I post here? I’d shy away from sharing anything offensive, but otherwise? I still believe that the practice of doing is the important element, but sometimes the ideas are hard to come by. How random could I get?
Does it matter?
Today saw a long overdue catchup with an old friend, which led to a new project in the offing. Sometimes there are opportunities to truly collaborate with like minds. These are precious, and I always welcome them.
I had a new streak of posting, building nicely. Then I got busy and snapped it. Time to start over…
Actually, the bigger thing this demonstrated to me is the power of my journal. I began a Bullet Journal practice about 6 months. When I’m home, I’m very much in the habit of making and keeping to my daily lists. When I’m on the road, as I was this weekend, less so. I got busy and neglected to journal my lists in the moment and then, sure enough, I forgot a couple of things. Nothing too significant in the grand scheme of things but, nonetheless, they got away from in a way that hasn’t happened recently.
Lesson learned. I’m doubling down on my BuJo.
I survived the weekend, got all my work done, and made it everywhere I was supposed to be. The detailed to-do list and the deep breaths got me through. Today, there are still things to be done, but I’m able to work through them less frantically. I’m still a little overwhelmed, today, but that will diminish with rest. That’s good news, because living the other way, for too long, is a recipe for burnout.
Fortunately, I know this… and I know my limits. More sleep will happen this week, at least in the early part before I travel on the weekend. I will have time to warm up and practice everyday – that’s very important for my mental health, as well as my trumpet playing. I will be able to get ahead on my planning for the following weeks. When I’m in control of my schedule, that’s when the necessaries are accomplished AND self-care is prioritized. There are occasions, like this past week, when my worlds collide and there’s no choice but to hustle it out, but I’m getting better at avoiding them.
It’s a practice, like anything else…
Bitesize chunks…
Today was really busy. The next few days promise to be the same. It’s times like these that I have to remember to break down tasks into bitesize chunks, so I don’t get overwhelmed and simply procrastinate. My daily to-do list is extra long, but I’m making visible progress since all the tasks are itemized pieces of larger wholes. Deep breaths and keep plugging away. I can, and will, do this!