Improve Efficiency & Tonguing! | “R for Release” | Trumpet A-Z, S01E18

Sometimes, certain trumpet playing concepts don’t make sense because of how they’re explained. It can help to flip them around and look at them from a different angle. In this episode of Trumpet A-Z, “R for Release”, Bryan Davis discusses how to optimize your airflow and tonguing by letting the notes out, rather than forcing them.

Also, thank you to everybody who has watched, liked, commented on and subscribed to the videos on our channel. Thanks to you, we reached 1000 subscribers, shortly before this video was made. We’re very grateful for your interest and support.
Recap these videos, mentioned in this episode:

Join us on Mondays for “Exercise of the Week” and Fridays for “Trumpet A-Z”
#EOTW #TrumpetAtoZ

Catch up on the Trumpet A-Z series, so far, at: Trumpet A-Z Playlist. New episodes are added every Friday.

If you have questions or comments about this video, we want to hear them! We’re particularly interested to know what topics are in your Trumpet A-Z? Please comment a full or partial list below – your suggestion could be the topic of a future video!

Trumpet A-Z with Bryan Davis is presented by Airflow Music. For information on all our products, please visit Please Subscribe to our Youtube channel, to be notified of upcoming episodes.

NEW! “Finger Flexes” by Bryan Davis. Available as PDF eBook or Printed book.
Buy now at:

Buy “Combination Drills: Developed Scales in Odd Meters” by Bryan Davis. PDF eBooks and Printed Books are available for each edition:

Trumpet Lessons with Bryan Davis are available in-person, if you’re in the New York City area, or via Skype if you live elsewhere. For more information, please visit:

Follow Airflow Music on Social Media: Facebook| Twitter| Instagram.

Level Up Your Practice Game! | “Q for Quality” | Trumpet A-Z, Episode 17

Out of all the questions and comments on these videos, the most common have been about what to practice and how to get the most value for your practice time. In this episode of “Trumpet A-Z”, “Q for Quality”, Bryan Davis shares tips on some good things for everybody to practice and some ways to reformat your practice to get the most out of your time.

Recap “K for Kinesthesia” now.

J.B. Arban Complete Conservatory Method for Trumpet –
H.L. Clarke Technical Studies –

Join us on Mondays for “Exercise of the Week” and Fridays for “Trumpet A-Z”
#EOTW #TrumpetAtoZ

Catch up on the Trumpet A-Z series, so far, at: Trumpet A-Z Playlist. New episodes are added every Friday.

If you have questions or comments about this video, we want to hear them! We’re particularly interested to know what topics are in your Trumpet A-Z? Please comment a full or partial list below – your suggestion could be the topic of a future video!

Trumpet A-Z with Bryan Davis is presented by Airflow Music. For information on all our products, please visit Please Subscribe to our Youtube channel, to be notified of upcoming episodes.

Buy “Combination Drills: Developed Scales in Odd Meters” by Bryan Davis. PDF eBooks and Printed Books are available for each edition:

Trumpet Lessons with Bryan Davis are available in-person, if you’re in the New York City area, or via Skype if you live elsewhere. For more information, please visit:

Follow Airflow Music on Social Media: Facebook| Twitter| Instagram.

Avoid Tension and Play Easier! | “P for Posture” | Trumpet A-Z, Episode 16

Whether we’re sitting or standing to play, our ability to make a clear and resonant sound, have good intonation, avoid unnecessary tension and generally just play as easily as possible is affected enormously by how we position our body. In the latest episode of #TrumpetAtoZ, “P for Posture”, Bryan Davis explains some posture pitfalls you need to look out for, to give yourself the best chance to sound good and play effortlessly.

In this video, Bryan also references the following videos:

Please watch them, if you haven’t already.

Join us on Mondays for “Exercise of the Week” and Fridays for “Trumpet A-Z”
#EOTW #TrumpetAtoZ

Catch up on the Trumpet A-Z series, so far, at: Trumpet A-Z Playlist. New episodes are added every Friday.

If you have questions or comments about this video, we want to hear them! We’re particularly interested to know what topics are in your Trumpet A-Z? Please comment a full or partial list below – your suggestion could be the topic of a future video!

Trumpet A-Z with Bryan Davis is presented by Airflow Music. For information on all our products, please visit Please Subscribe to our Youtube channel, to be notified of upcoming episodes.

Buy “Combination Drills: Developed Scales in Odd Meters” by Bryan Davis. PDF eBooks and Printed Books are available for each edition:

Trumpet Lessons with Bryan Davis are available in-person, if you’re in the New York City area, or via Skype if you live elsewhere. For more information, please visit:

Follow Airflow Music on Social Media: Facebook| Twitter| Instagram.

Improve Your Efficiency! | “O for Overblowing” | Trumpet A-Z, Episode 15

Overblowing is widely regarded as the root of all evil for brass playing. It is certainly not efficient and can make playing the trumpet much harder than it needs to be! In the latest episode of Trumpet A-Z, “O for Overblowing,” Bryan Davis explains a little more about it, some of the symptoms and a little known way to see if you’re overblowing. He also details the way it can actually be used to your advantage in the practice room.

If you missed them watch the following Trumpet A-Z videos Bryan cites in this video:

Join us on Mondays for “Exercise of the Week” and Fridays for “Trumpet A-Z”
#EOTW #TrumpetAtoZ

Catch up on the Trumpet A-Z series, so far, at: Trumpet A-Z Playlist. New episodes are added every Friday.

If you have questions or comments about this video, we want to hear them! We’re particularly interested to know what topics are in your Trumpet A-Z? Please comment a full or partial list below – your suggestion could be the topic of a future video!

Trumpet A-Z with Bryan Davis is presented by Airflow Music. For information on all our products, please visit Please Subscribe to our Youtube channel, to be notified of upcoming episodes.

Buy “Combination Drills: Developed Scales in Odd Meters” by Bryan Davis. PDF eBooks and Printed Books are available for each edition:

Trumpet Lessons with Bryan Davis are available in-person, if you’re in the New York City area, or via Skype if you live elsewhere. For more information, please visit:

Follow Airflow Music on Social Media: Facebook| Twitter| Instagram.

Make Your Chops Feel Great! | “N for Note Bending” | Trumpet A-Z, Episode 14

Sometimes you just need to practice something that makes your chops feel good! In this episode of Trumpet A-Z, “N for Note Bending,” Bryan Davis shares his favourite exercise that does exactly that! Focus your airflow and response, and make playing the trumpet easier, as a result!

Click to download the PDF of “Extended Bends and Reverse Bends

All PDF exercise downloads which accompany our videos are handled in the Airflow Music Online Store. They are completely free to download, although you have the option to pay a small fee of your choice, in support of the time and effort which goes into making these videos. If you choose to contribute, it is much appreciated! Alternatively, you always have the option to purchase a book, lesson or t-shirt.

Catch up on the Trumpet A-Z series, so far, at: Trumpet A-Z Playlist. New episodes are added every Friday.

If you have questions or comments about this video, we want to hear them! We’re particularly interested to know what topics are in your Trumpet A-Z? Please comment a full or partial list below – your suggestion could be the topic of a future video!

Trumpet A-Z with Bryan Davis is presented by Airflow Music. For information on all our products, please visit Please Subscribe to our Youtube channel, to be notified of upcoming episodes.

Buy “Combination Drills: Developed Scales in Odd Meters” by Bryan Davis. PDF eBooks and Printed Books are available for each edition:

Trumpet Lessons with Bryan Davis are available in-person, if you’re in the New York City area, or via Skype if you live elsewhere. For more information, please visit:

Follow Airflow Music on Social Media: Facebook| Twitter| Instagram.