The Return of the Website.

At last, I’m pleased to be able to put the site back up and make it available once again. What I expected to be a few days has turned into 9 weeks – time flies when you’re working flat out!!! Apologies to any regular readers who’ve wasted time checking the domain every few days. Believe it or not, my traffic stats show that plenty of folk have been looking in from time to time.

Of course, in typical fashion, the site isn’t quite finished (but then it never is). I’ll be tweaking things over the next few weeks. If you spot any problems with anything please use the Contact page and let me know. The site should display properly in all modern web browsers (IE5.5+, Netscape 6.2+, Opera 6.6+, Safari 1.1+, Mozilla Firefox etc). Any older versions than those and I make no promises. I’ll be testing everything more thoroughly in the next few weeks.

Repeat visitors will notice a few changes – the major one being that my weblog (formerly “Life of Bryan”) has been removed. It’s still on the web though; visit All the old posts are there. This News page will simply impart information of what I’m up to at the moment and other Music-related stuff. There’ll be a good dose of that at the other site, along with all kinds of other nonsense, technical and otherwise.

Please have a look around and let me know if there are any problems.

Bye for now…


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