Heading to Cape May, NJ today, where Arturo O’Farrill and the Afro Latin Jazz Orchestra will be performing at the Exit Zero Jazz Festival. We hit at 4:30pm. Come by if you’re in the area!
Happy Cinco de Mayo! Tonight, I’ll be joining the Rob Stoneback Big Band at the Starlite Ballroom at the Fearless Fire Co. #14, in Allentown, PA. We’ll be swinging for your dancing pleasure from 8-11pm. Hope to see you, if you’re in the area.
Apologies if you’re waiting for me to respond to a lesson request or other message. I’ve succumbed to a bout of food poisoning. Back to work as soon as possible…
The migration of this site to the new server is done. Happy to say that it seemed to go smoothly, with no noticeable downtime. Now to get back to the work of the redesign!
Tonight, Swingadelic takes the stage at Swing 46, on West 46th in NYC, for our Wednesday night residency. We’ll be swinging for your dancing pleasure from 9pm to midnight. Come hang!